Join as a REALTOR®

Join as an Affiliate

Benefits of Becoming a GPSR REALTOR®

Join the 1,200+ REALTORS® of the Greater Palm Springs REALTORS® (GPSR).

Click here to become a Realtor® Member or MLS member now!

Or scroll down for affiliate membership application and benefits. If you have any questions, call 760-320-6885


  • Realtor supply store (signs, riders, flyer boxes, listing stands. etc)
  • Can purchase and set up MLS Supra lockboxes
  • Weekly Wednesday membership speaker meeting (Zoom) with relevant and engaging speakers; local real estate related topics; industry partners, new listing showcase, buyer wants and needs, committee reports.
  • Weekly Caravan of new listings
  • Free GPSR Orientation for new members.
  • EDU classes offered for minimal cost. (C.A.R. and MLS instructional)
  • EDU Fast Start series classes free for members.
  • Weekly Newsletter via email.
  • GPSR Forum, a private members Facebook Page
  • Network with and get to know other local Realtors® and service providers.
  • GPSR website and event calendar.
  • Monthly MLS housing Market Report
  • (Flex and VestaPlus) use the MLS of your choice!
  • Homesnap App via GPSR’s  MLS providers.
  • C.A.R. Zipforms, Authentisign digital signature, Cloud CMA, Glide, byLonewolf
  • Market Watch
  • GPSR is member of PS Chamber,Historic Society,Desert Building Association,CV Business, PS Conventions
  • Engagement in GPSR Committees: Special Events and fundraisers, Membership, Education, Government Affairs, MLS

Click here to become a Realtor® Member or MLS member now!

Or scroll down for affiliate membership application and benefits. If you have any questions, call 760-320-6885



I treasure my membership in GPSR. Not only does it offer the best broker caravan in the Valley, but it also holds a weekly meeting where I can network with agents and affiliates, promote my listings during Caravan Showcase, and get educated about a wide variety of subjects presented by guest speakers – all of that plus a hearty breakfast to boot.  For me, the choice was a no-brainer!

— Janice Kaminsky
CA DRE# 1298642


Shortly after founding our inspection company in 2003, we started attending the Greater Palm Springs Realtors weekly meetings. This opened the door to a wonderful networking opportunity. After 21 years of meeting some great people through committees and events, we have made many business connections and friends. Thank you GPSR for allowing us to shine! 

Vikki Schultz
Affiliate Member
Schultz Home Inspections


There are so many rewards for being a part of the weekly GPSR meetings on Wednesday mornings and becoming a member!

We have guest speakers who bring us information that is pertinent to our Real Estate industry and keeps us informed of what the new laws are in the community along with educational materials that enlighten all those associated with the real estate industry.

We view properties on the caravan of all the new listings in our community!

We get involved in raising funds to help our local charities. We have 2 major fundraisers each year. 

The Spring Auction and The Harvest Auction! 

We have holiday activities and the Installation of officers yearly!

— Darlene Daniello, Affiliate Member



In real estate, you must know the inventory! The GPSR caravan and meeting has been, and is, a crucial part of my business. The support of our members that tour the homes often find the perfect match for their customer’s needs. In turn, I find an agent to represent a buyer for my listing client! Win, win.

— Tammy Franklin, REALTOR®
[email protected]



As a Broker and Affiliate Member of The Greater Palm Springs Realtors for over a decade, I have found the Association a wealth of knowledge for the Real Estate Industry and its Members.

The professionalism of the GPSR Staff, the Broker and Realtor Members, and the Affiliated Member relationships have profoundly elevated business opportunities and successes for each member’s activities.

The in person weekly Caravan Meetings have allowed greater camaraderie with the Board Leadership with the outstanding, informative speakers and programs which occur throughout the year.

Welcome to The Greater Palm Springs Realtors.

— George Michael Neill, Broker Member and Affiliate
CalBRE Broker # 01273097



Why GPSR? The weekly caravan meetings are a can’t miss, featuring engaging speakers on a wide range of real estate industry and local community topics, as well as a great way to network with agents and affiliates to grow your business. And GPSR’s focus on education, advocacy and community is outstanding. No wonder GPSR has been around for almost 100 years!

— Art Alvarez,  Affiliate Member
Mortgage Works



I look forward to the weekly GPSR meetings.  Getting to see familiar faces and meet new ones – – expanding my network of supporters and hearing about current news in the world of Real Estate.  GPSR offers many educational opportunities for new and seasoned agents to continue to grow.  Having a directory of top-notch affiliates that I can work with or recommend is invaluable. 

— Maureen Roman, REALTOR®


Benefits of Becoming an Affiliate:

Establish your business as a trusted affiliate among the 1,200+ REALTOR® members of the Greater Palm Springs REALTORS® (GPSR).

Click here to become an Affiliate Member of GPSR now!

  • Weekly Caravan Meeting, held each Wednesday between 8-9 a.m., 50 weeks of the year. Attend weekly caravan meetings with prominent speakers to learn about current community topics relevant to the real estate community. Affiliates are provided an opportunity to introduce themselves and their companies, with the goal of gaining visibility in the real estate community. Doors open at 7:30 a.m., Industry Partners are invited to come and enjoy a complimentary breakfast!
  • Want to meet more people? Volunteer to be a “Door Greeter” and host the door! This opportunity is free of charge to Affiliate members. Put your marketing materials at the door and then greet and check‐in GPSR members as they arrive to the weekly caravan meeting. Our GPSR President will announce your sponsorship and you will be given the business cards of GPSR REALTORS® attending that day.
  • Breakfast Sponsor. Sponsoring a weekly caravan breakfast is both affordable and effective, and in exchange you will be given the opportunity to place your marketing materials throughout and will be provided up to 2 minutes to speak about yourself and your company. Let us know what you do and tell us why we need your service!
  • Weekly Affiliate Giveaways. Bring a raffle gift to the weekly caravan breakfast to promote your business!
  • Affiliate Appreciation Day. At the end of each year the GPSR REALTORS® show their appreciation for you by giving gifts to our Affiliates at our weekly caravan meeting.
  • Enjoy a night at the ballpark. Each year GPSR hosts a REALTOR® night at the ballpark. Enjoy great BBQ and network with GPSR REALTOR® members in an informal and relaxed setting. The event includes admission, food and drink.
  • Is giving back to the community important to you? The spring and fall auctions are always a great opportunity do so! Bake your favorite cake, create a basket, etc. – all donated items are raffled off and the proceeds benefit local charities.
  • Evening Events. Mix and mingle at the always well-attended quarterly GPSR REALTOR® events. Awesome venues, food and drink create a great opportunity for fun to be had by all!
  • Need a space to host a function? Meeting space is available for rent at GPSR at favorable member rates, and complete with audio and visual equipment.
  • Is your place of business a potential venue for an event? Let’s discuss how we can potentially collaborate!
  • Annual Affiliate Showcase. Each fall GPSR hosts an Affiliates Showcase. GPSR Affiliates can host a booth and display their business to attending REALTORS® from throughout the Coachella Valley. The event is catered, and Affiliates have the option to offer a raffle prize that promotes their business.
  • Annual Installation Dinner. Join GPSR in welcoming our new Board of Directors and help congratulate the recipients of the “Industry Partner of the Year” and “REALTOR® of the Year” awards.

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